Rejection and I are Old Friends. --Michaela Watkins
For some of us, chronic emotions have been with us for a long time. We have always been shy and anxious, for instance, or always had a temper. Our depression may have noticeably started in high school. Now 10, 20 or 30 years later, we know and expect the stages of depression that demand that we escape to our beds or allow us to get up and force our way through the day. Or we have a pain in our fingers, hips or knees that lingers in our life, limiting our activities.
But there are plenty of reasons to get rid of chronic emotions.
The stress of chronic painful emotions weakens the immune system and can lead to issue in the body. Starting with Freud almost a century ago, scientific studies have found that the “relationship between emotional and physical health is direct and reciprocal. Research has shown that over 80% of all physicians’ visits have to do with a socio-emotional challenge, while just only 16% could be considered solely pathophysiologic in nature.”[1]. In other words, our unwanted emotions are making us feel sick.
Discomfort can become so familiar to us that we get sort of comfortable with them—even if we do not like the way we feel. They are known factors in our life. Often, when we humans get stuck, we do our best to ignore it and keep going—we are locked in an unchanging pattern.
Being in a rut is its own problem. Tell-tale signs of being stuck in place are
· Each day feels like ground-hog day—nothing to look forward to, same-ole-same-ole, they blur together
· Too tired or unmotivated to do anything when you have free time
· Fantasize about getting way—not just vacation
· You want to change your life, add something new, but not sure where to start or what it will cost in time or energy
· Getting sick of hearing yourself complain about your pain-emotional or physical
· Even though you think you would be happier if you made a change, it is easier or more comfortable to stay in the same place and mope about it. [2]
Sound too harsh? Maybe. But if you recognize these signs, then perhaps you are rut-bound.
Everyone's rut is different in quality, quantity, and scope. And ruts can be littered with emotional or physical pain. It is the miserable bits of life that we do not want but do not take action to change, even if we know how to do it.
And so, we approach change carefully or avoid it altogether
The willingness to change, to feel different and be different is a big deal. Allowing change in our life means that our relationship with the world and the people around us may be different. Friends, family members, caregivers, and everyone else may not treat us the same way, even if they love us as much as before.
But, change can be scary. We do not know exactly what will happen. We do not know the precise fallout or consequences. Uncertainty can be unsettling.
When we do not risk unwanted results—within reason, of course, then we also do not risk having something better happen.
What of hope?
What if something fantastic was available to us, but we hesitate to venture toward it?
If we are willing to let go of our desire for and guaranteed perfect outcome, then we do not have to stay in the current miserable status quo.
It does not take courage. Courage is too difficult to muster.
We need to be fearless. Being fearless, again within reason, is moving forward through challenges and hurtles, being fully aware of any pitfalls and handling them without overwhelming emotion.
How do we become an aware but fearless warrior in our own life and journey?
When the uncertainty of transformation is an uncomfortable emotion, it is time to get rid of it.
Emotional Resolution, EmRes, removes underlying emotional triggers that keep us from accepting change in our life. It is not essential to know what high-stress event laid down the emotion that remains unintegrated. But resyncing the subconscious memory, the unresolved emotion and the environmental stimuli will integrate the emotion and clear the way forward.
Then EmRes sessions can get down to the business of addressing the chronic emotions and idiopathic complaints and pains that are making your life less than joyous.
It sounds simple because it is. Really.
Allow the change, and the difference will set you free.
Are you ready to get out of your rut and then let go of your chronic misery?
1. Consequences of Repression of Emotion: Physical Health, Mental Health and General Well Being,
2. 10 Signs That You're in a Rut,

Image by Susann Mielke from Pixabay
About Sue
Sue Siebens is an intuitive holistic healer based in Dallas, Texas. In her practice, she uses techniques that work at a fundamentallevel, where the roots of the illness, fear, and pain can be accessed and resolved. Sue teaches and writes to raise awareness about these new technologies so that as many people as possible can find relief and peace in their life.