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Why Not Do It?

By Sue Siebens

It's a common refrain: "I know what's good for me, but __________"

· I don't have time right now. When things slow down, I'll get to it.

· It's too complicated. I'm confused about how or what to do first.

· It's too hard to implement. I have too many balls to juggle already.

· It's a long-term thing. The results are too far away to feel any urgency to act now.

· I don't feel that bad. I'm coping okay.

· It may work for others, but I don't think it matters that much for me.

· It's too much of a challenge/cost/discomfort to make me want to do it.

· I don't have the willpower to stay with it

· ______________ (Your reason)

We want good results—a healthy bank account, social life, and body. We may even research and learn what steps to take to reach our goal. But when it comes to taking the steps, we can become ambivalent if the benefits don't dramatically outweigh the costs. This can be especially true if the first steps involve some stumbling setbacks or temporary failures on the way to success.

Due to new understandings of how our brains work, creating new habits can be achieved with new strategies:

1. Break down decisions and tasks into smaller pieces that are easier to master

2. Make decisions once that last for a long time—eliminating rethinking pressure

3. Link the change to public/social commitments—making them a regular feature [1]

There is a lot of advice about strategies to make new habits a part of your life. But in the end, we don't do it because, on some level, we don't want to do it.

It's all about RESISTANCE.

Why would we resist what is good for us?

It is an Emotional Unwillingness To Change.

Change can bring up all sorts of issues

· Fear of failure and the shame that goes with it.

o Getting stuck in mixed feelings

o Doubting the ability to change

o Uncertain value of benefits

o Unclear disadvantages of not changing

· Fear of success and the unknown consequences it may bring.

o The stress of adjusting to the new

o Relationships and responsibilities shift when change occurs

o Arriving at success without the happy outcomes we'd hoped for

o Any change can feel like a lack of control

Change is part of living. Whether we want to or not, life and living force us to change sooner or later. Our emotional obstacles may feel proper in the moment. But how do we know the clear path forward until the roadblock is swept away? When we remove the emotional roadblocks to progress, our perspective is cleared. We can easily see what change is good and right for us and what is not and act accordingly.

Emotional Resolution, EmRes, is the device for this work. EmRes removes the unprocessed emotional memories that get in the way of decision-making. It doesn't matter whether it's a big decision like what medical treatment to use or how to invest retirement savings or a small one like showing up for exercise or remembering to drink water throughout the day.

When past emotions are triggered by something in our current environment, it creates a kind of emotional fog around our brains. When this happens, our everyday choices are limited to past circumstances. If it is not happening, these choices are driven by triggered emotions that separate us from success. This is not helpful to the present!

EmRes sessions are not a walk through some distant past, trying to figure out the how, why, and where of those experiences. EmRes focuses on the current triggered experience and uses the body's innate abilities to process the emotional imprints that got stuck. Once gone, they are gone forever, which means no more triggering from that past emotional experience. Even if you remember it, which most of us don't, you will remember it without being triggered by it—it will just be part of your story, not your present.

Emotional Resolution is not a coping mechanism that you need to use for the same triggered emotions time and again. It uses modern understandings of neuropsychology through viscersomatic quieting to calm the physical sensations in the body that we recognize as the source of emotional experiences. Thousands of EmRes sessions are conducted around the world each day.

If you would like to change your life and can't quite seem to get there, EmRes can clear out the emotional roadblocks to your success.

Are you ready to change for the better?


About Sue

Sue Siebens uses Emotional Resolution, EmRes, to work at a fundamental level, where the roots of the illness, fear, and pain can be accessed and resolved. Sue teaches and writes to raise awareness about this new technology so that as many people as possible can find relief and peace in their life. Sue is based in Dallas, Tx, USA.

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