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Meet the Practitioners

EMRES Practitioner

Forrest Bennett




  • Certified EmRes Practitioner

  • Resolution of Physical Symptoms and Unwanted Behaviors 

  • Self Emotional Resolution Facilitator

About Forrest:

Forrest specializes in offering Emotional Resolution sessions to people with technical or scientific backgrounds. He also teaches EmRes to people of all backgrounds who want to learn to resolve their own emotional difficulties.

EmRes helps us to resolve the unwanted emotions, intrusive thoughts, and unhelpful behaviors that get in the way of living a satisfying life - while still leaving us with a full healthy range of emotional responses to the situations that come up at work and away from work.

Prior to shifting his career into the well-being space, Forrest was a hard core techie: He has 30 years of experience in software engineering and computer science research. He specialized in machine learning, published over 60 scientific papers, has nine patented inventions, and coauthored a book on his artificial intelligence research. Forrest was a visiting scholar at Stanford University, and has a B.S. in applied mathematics. He cofounded Happy Hackers, Palo Alto Neuroscience, and Flourishing Labs. Forrest met the cofounder of Happy Hackers, Brian Basham, when they both worked at a search engine startup that was later acquired by Twitter.

After leaving the tech world, Forrest taught hundreds of students in the USA and China embodied meditation, emotional communication skills, and group awareness practices. In 2018, at the request of his students, he began working with them one on one to help them recover from emotional difficulties; this particular work has never been promoted, but has only been offered based on direct referrals and word of mouth.

Forrest brings to his Emotional Resolutions sessions: 12 years of meditation practice, 8 years of embodiment practice, unconditional positive regard for those he works with, deep grounding in the body, and an open heart. Clients describe Forrest as gentle, patient, safe, and precise.

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The Emotional Health Institute (E.H.I.) is a Non-Profit Organization 501(c3), focusing on emotional health.

San Francisco, CA.

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