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In the Grip Of Long-term Stress...

Sue Siebens

By Sue Siebens

Stress seems to come in waves. Sometimes, it feels like ripples throughout the day. On occasion, it bowls us over like a tsunami. And periodically, stress feels like a general flood that won’t subside.

Stress is an emotional or mental pressure caused by a difficult situation. We can take on stress willingly, such as being a caregiver to a challenging loved one, working at a demanding job, or buying a house. Sometimes, stress seems thrust upon us, such as a financial setback, alarming news reports or death in the family, and we unwillingly swept along in its current.

Different situations cause mental and emotional strain depending on factors such as:

· How comfortable you are feeling in that situation

· What else is going on in your life

· Past experiences and how you feel about yourself

· What support and resources are readily available to you

The consequences of chronic or long-term stress are both emotional and physical. Warning signs of emotional overload due to prolonged stress include low energy, social withdrawal, feeling hopeless, excessive worry or guilt, and eating or sleeping too much or too little.[2]

The body’s autonomic nervous system shifts to a persistent flight-or-flight or freeze response. This brings about chemical changes and stresses in the body, such as aches and pains, headaches, dizziness, shaking, muscle tension, stomach or digestive issues, and a weakened immune system, to name a few.

Prolonged stress is no joke and is something to monitor as it affects your health. The situations may or may not change, but our reaction to them is the key.

Every time you have an emotional reaction, your body responds. If the reaction is “positive,” then a combination of the happy hormones dopamine, serotonin, endorphins, and oxytocin is released and YAY for us. It feels so good.

If the reaction is unfavorable, the unhappy hormone cortisol shows up at higher levels. Cortisol affects the happy hormone levels and the levels of estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. While it might give a short-term survival advantage in certain circumstances, the downstream results listed above can result in long-term chronic pain and disease.

We can check these unfavorable reactions when we alter our emotional responses by addressing the feelings themselves.

Emotional reactions that last longer than a few seconds are triggered emotions, meaning they reflect unprocessed emotions. Through our current stressful situation, we are reexperiencing an old memory on a subconscious level. We may or may not remember where this old memory got stuck, but it affects us just the same. Being subconscious means we don’t have conscious control over our reactions or behavior.

But we can still do something about it.

An emerging technology called Emotional Resolution or EmRes uses emotional reactions to current situations to process those old, stuck emotional memories.

We call it Resolving The Emotion.

Emotional Resolution or EmRes resolves unprocessed emotions. It works one emotion-situation at a time. Each session works the many aspects of the emotions in each emotional event.

EmRes resolves emotions regardless of whether they are expressed as felt emotions, behaviors, or chronic illness. Felt emotions seem to be the obvious target of this work. But modern neuroscience understands that behaviors and chronic illness are the consequence of emotions that are ignored, suppressed and buried. Our subconscious never forgets, however, and these “hidden” emotions still affect our mental and physical well-being.

Once resolved through EmRes, the same situation will never cause that triggered emotion again. Why? Because the unprocessed memory is gone, and there is nothing for the subconscious to provoke. Even the memory of the emotional event will be less triggering.

Our stress level goes down with each resolved triggered emotion. We can

· meet challenges without the overwhelming feelings

· think through troubles and get better ideas for solutions

· make better decisions

· avoid the stirred-up cortisol response

· reap the benefits of better-functioning immune, digestive, circulatory and other body systems

With Emotional Resolution ticking away at the large and small emotional reactions, your life will change for the better.

Are you ready to chillax with EmRes?


Image by Vicki Hamilton from Pixabay

About Sue

Sue Siebens uses Emotional Resolution, EmRes, to work at a fundamental level, where the roots of the illness, fear, and pain can be accessed and resolved. Sue teaches and writes to raise awareness about this new technology so that as many people as possible can find relief and peace in their life. Sue is based in Ft Worth, Tx, USA.

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